§ 30.02  CITY MANAGER.
   (A)   The City Manager shall be appointed by the Council and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council.
   (B)   The City Manager shall be the administrative head of the city government and shall:
      (1)   See that within the city the laws of the state and the ordinances, resolutions and regulations enacted by the Council are faithfully executed;
      (2)   Attend all meetings of the Council, unless excused, and recommend for adoption such measures as he or she shall deem expedient;
      (3)   Make reports to the Council from time to time upon the affairs of the city and keep the Council fully advised of the city’s financial condition and its future financial needs, including the preparation of the city’s budget;
      (4)   Subject to confirmation by City Council, appoint such officers and department heads as he or she shall deem necessary from time to time;
      (5)   Have general supervision and oversight over all departments of the city;
      (6)   Prepare or cause to be prepared and published all reports required of the city or any department or officer thereof;
      (7)   Act as, or designate a purchasing agent for the various departments and approve or disapprove all bills or accounts for items purchased prior to payment therefor; and
      (8)   Perform and carry out any other duties imposed or to be imposed upon him or her by the state or the City Council, including, but not limited to, the duties of one or more other offices or positions of the city, except as herein otherwise provided.
(2005 Code, § 2-21)  (Motion passed 2-1-1993)