(A) Defined. A POOL PARLOR or BILLIARD PARLOR shall be any place of business having three or more pool tables or a combination of such tables totaling three for which a charge is directly or indirectly made for the playing of any game or contest thereon or any place of business having fewer tables than designated above if the primary purpose of said place of business is the operation of tables for the playing of pool or billiards for which a charge is directly or indirectly made for the playing of any game or contest thereon.
(2005 Code, § 14-192)
(B) License required. No person shall maintain or operate any pool or billiard parlor without first having secured from the City Council a license therefor.
(2005 Code, § 14-193)
(C) License application.
(1) Applications for licenses required by this section shall be made on forms provided by the city.
(2) Forms shall be completed under oath and filed with the City Clerk.
(3) Such application shall be filed in ample time to afford due investigation by the appropriate officials of the city prior to such meeting at which the petitioner desires to present such application.
(2005 Code, § 14-194)
(D) Prohibited acts. No licensee or his or her servant, agent or employee shall:
(1) Suffer or permit the licensed premises to become disorderly;
(2) Suffer or permit any person to bet upon any game played on any table in the licensed premises.
(2005 Code, § 14-195)
(E) Revocation of license.
(1) The City Council may at any time for cause, and after a hearing for which reasonable notice has been given to the licensee, revoke any license issued under the provisions of this section.
(2) If any licensee should be convicted on two occasions for violations of this section, his or her license shall automatically be revoked.
(2005 Code, § 14-196)
(Ord. passed 3-6-1995; Ord. 02094, passed 9-9-2002) Penalty, see § 110.99