(a) Any duly authorized person or employee of the Water Department shall have free access at proper hours, to all parts of any building or any place where water is delivered to the consumer. The Utilities Department reserves the right to set a meter on any service at any time. Failure to schedule and/or allow the installation of a meter or readout is cause for the Village to terminate service to that property. Work must be schedule within five (5) working days after receiving notification of meter installation or read-out.
(b) All residential water meters and fittings needed to install meters will be furnished by the Village Water Department. All meters and hardware three-quarter inch (3/4") and one inch (1") will be furnished by the Village Water Department at cost to the consumer. All meters will be set, removed, or adjusted by employees of the Utilities Department only. The location of said meter must be satisfactory to the Utilities Department and the plumbing must be arranged so that the meter can be set in place without disturbing any water piping. The consumer shall maintain a passageway to the meter and keep the meter accessible for reading or removal at all times. If a meter installation on a consumer’s premises is stolen, or is damaged by freezing, by fire, or by hot water, or is damaged due to the act of neglect of consumer, the cost of the repairs or the replacement shall be paid by the consumer. If the meter seal is found to be broken, or other positive proof of tampering with the meter is found, the bill for that period will be calculated based on the average of the highest four (4) months water bills in the past year. The Village of Elida will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Upon repetition of the offense, it will be optional with the approval of the Village Adminstrator to terminate the service and collect payment based on the formula used above.
(c) The plumbing must be arranged so that the meter can be set in place without disturbing any water piping. The customer must have a good operational valve in accordance with Section 919.05(a)(5) for the Village to perform meter maintenance. (The Village is not responsible for any leaks, bad plumbing, broken or non-performing valves on the property). The consumer shall maintain a passageway to the meters, sending unit or any components of the reading system, both inside and outside. If any wire needs installed out of plain sight to Village personnel, arrangements can be made with property owners to run wires behind walls, ceiling, etc. for themselves. If any reading components cannot be installed in the line of plain sight or the access to components cannot be performed, or if access to components will be a health issue, an outdoor meter will be ordered and installed at the owner’s expense.
(Ord. 1146-2019. Passed 4-23-19.)