For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   Ground and hand-held sparkling and smoke devices:
         (a)   Cone fountains;
         (b)   Crackling devices;
         (c)   Cylindrical fountains;
         (d)   Flitter sparklers;
         (e)   Ground spinners;
         (f)   Illuminating torches;
         (g)   Toy smoke devices;
         (h)   Wheels; and
         (i)   Novelties; and as further defined in NMSA §§ 60-2C-1 et seq.
      (1)   Aerial devices:
         (a)   Aerial spinners;
         (b)   Helicopters;
         (c)   Mines;
         (d)   Missile-type rockets;
         (e)   Roman candles;
         (f)   Shells; and
         (g)   Stick-type rockets, except as provided in this section.
      (2)   Ground audible devices:
         (a)   Chasers; and
         (b)   Firecrackers.
      (3)   Pursuant to NMSA § 60-2C-7(B) stick type rockets having a tube less than an 1/4 inch inside diameter are not permissible fireworks and the sale or use of aerial devices and ground audible devices are prohibited.
   NOVELTIES. Devices containing small amounts of pyrotechnic or explosive composition that produce limited visible or audible effects, including party poppers, snappers, snakes, glowworms, sparklers or toy caps and devices intended to produce unique visual or audible effects that contain 16 milligrams or less of explosive composition and limited amounts of other pyrotechnic composition, including cigarette loads, trick matches, explosive auto alarms and other trick noisemakers.
(Ord. 1999-24, passed 2-3-1999; Am. Ord. 30, passed 6-16-1999)