For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY OWNED WATER SYSTEM. The water utility owned by the city previously referred to as the Lakeshore City Sanitation District.
   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The city official charged with enforcement of this chapter and other provision of the City Code relating to public health, or his or her authorized deputy.
   COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT. Any account which is not a residential account. It describes a unit consisting of any other establishment than a residential unit, wherein a single business or other single activity is carried on. If more than one commercial activity is carried on within one place or building, each activity shall be deemed to constitute a separate unit for rate purposes.
   DAYS. Calendar days unless otherwise indicated.
   DWELLING UNIT. A room or suite of rooms with kitchen and bath, facilities designed as a unit for occupancy by one family.
   INFRASTRUCTURE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (ICIP). A prioritized list of capital improvements planned for construction in accordance with an approved time schedule.
   LICENSED PLUMBER. Any contractor meeting the criteria set forth in the State of New Mexico Construction Industries Division Rules and Regulations Sections MM.
   MULTI-UNIT STRUCTURE. A structure containing more than one living unit, or more than one businesses unit, or any combination of living units and business units. This definition shall not be considered to include hotels or motels.
   NMCID. New Mexico Construction Industries Division.
   NMED. New Mexico Environment Department.
   PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM. Any city owned or privately owned public water system to include the previously know Lakeshore City Sanitation District and including the area served by the New Mexico Water Service Company.
   RESIDENTIAL ACCOUNT. An account for any single family or multi-family housing unit. Residential account is an account for any single family or multi-family housing.
   RATE. The schedule of charges to be paid for the use for which water is supplied to any unit by the city.
   RESIDENTIAL. Describes a unit constituting a place of residence or abode, dwelling house, dwelling place or place of habitation for a single family. As used in the context of this chapter the term includes an apartment within any multi-unit dwelling, and trailer house, whether or not the same be permanently affixed to the land, and whether or not the same be in the legal contemplation of a fixture.
   SHALL. Mandatory; MAY is permissive.
   SUBDIVISION. The division of a surface area of land, including land within a previously approved subdivision, into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale, lease or other conveyance or for building development, whether immediate or future.
   UPC. Uniform Plumbing Code.
   UNIT. Any residence or commercial establishment to which water is supplied by the city's water system.
   UTILITY. Water, sewer and/or other utility service furnished by the city to consumers thereof.
(Ord. 127, passed 6-23-2011)