(A)   This subchapter is created pursuant to the authority set forth in NMSA §§ 3-21-1 et seq. and NMSA § 3-21-5, and the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Elephant Butte.
   (B)   This subchapter is intended to create orderly, harmonious and economically sound development in order to promote the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Elephant Butte. These regulations are necessary to:
      (1)   Provide adequate open spaces for light and air;
      (2)   Avoid undue concentration of population;
      (3)   Preserve the city's environmental resources;
      (4)   Secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers;
      (5)   Help control congestion in the streets and public ways;
      (6)   Facilitate adequate provisions for community utilities and facilities such as transportation, water, sewer, schools and parks;
      (7)   Encourage the location of compatible uses of land;
      (8)   Provide for proper flood water runoff; and
      (9)   Enhance the appearance of the landscape, as specifically referenced in the City of Elephant Butte Comprehensive Plan. The regulations are intended to achieve the following goals in the Comprehensive Plan:
         (a)   Protect city residents from possible hazardous effects of uncontrolled land uses;
         (b)   Allow the entrepreneur and investor the options to select areas and locations suitable for their intended purposes with the understanding that standards and regulations are necessary to protect the environment and the properties of others; and,
         (c)   Permit developers the opportunity to permanently designate land uses within their developments, and to set standards for those land uses.
(Ord. 88, passed 2-3-2006)