§ 155.054 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BASE COARSE. Fill with rock from 3/4 inches to 1 inch in diameter with other smaller sized particulate matter.
   CHAT. Base coarse-type material sized approximately 1/2 inch in diameter and down.
   CITY. The City of Elephant Butte.
   CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The person designated by the Mayor to determine compliance with city ordinances and cite violators.
   CRUSHER FINE. A base-coarse-type material sized approximately 3/8 inches in diameter and down.
   DEVELOPED LOT. A lot upon which a structure, house or garage or place of business, has been built. The presence of a storage shed only does not make a lot a developed lot.
   GRADING. Land excavation, land clearing, filling, disturbance of natural terrain and vegetation, or any combination thereof.
   MAYOR. The Mayor of the City of Elephant Butte.
   PERSON. In possession of real estate is the person, persons, company, or corporation having the physical responsibility via oral or written contract to perform the grading of the real estate, to include private contractor.
(Ord. 57, passed 1-8-2003)