(A)   Permanent markers. All subdivision boundary corners and the intersections of street centerlines shall be marked with a permanent monument. A permanent monument shall be deemed to be concrete with a minimum dimension of 4 inches in diameter, extending 3 feet below the surface of the ground, or steel pipe firmly imbedded in concrete which extends at least 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Either configuration shall have a brass cap permanently attached at the surface. Should conditions prohibit the placing of monuments on line, offset marking will be permitted, provided, however, the offset courses and distances are shown on the plat. A permanent bench mark shall be accessibly placed within the subdivision, the elevation of which shall be referred to the U.S.C. and G.S. datum and accurately noted on the subdivision plat.
   (B)   Street improvements.
      (1)   Conformity to Comprehensive Plan. The location and width of all streets shall conform to the latest Comprehensive Plan and to the provisions herein. Streets and alleys in any subdivision adjoining a municipality shall be continuous with and correspond in direction and width to the streets and alleys of the municipality.
      (2)   Right-of-way. The minimum street right-of-way width shall be shown on the Comprehensive Plan map, or, if not shown on the plan, shall be not less than 50 feet wide. Subdivisions that adjoin existing or planned streets shall dedicate the right-of-way as necessary to meet the minimum street width requirements set forth in this section as follows:
         (a)   The entire additional right-of-way shall be provided where the subdivision is on both sides of the street; and
         (b)   When the subdivision is located on only 1 side of an existing or planned street, as shown on the Comprehensive Plan, half of the required additional right-of-way shall be provided which shall not be less than 30 feet. In no case shall the resulting eventual right-of-way width be less than 50 feet.
      (3)   Grades. Grades on a major thoroughfare shall not exceed 5%. Grades on other streets shall not exceed 10%.
      (4)   Intersections. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible and no intersection shall be at an angle of less than 60 degrees. Four-way intersections shall be discouraged in residential areas.
      (5)   Street jogs. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet shall not be allowed, whether between 2 proposed streets or between an existing and a proposed street.
      (6)   Cul-de-sacs. Residential streets that are dead end streets, also called cul-de-sacs, shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having an outside roadway diameter of at least 80 feet and a street right-of-way diameter of 100 feet.
      (7)   Naming of streets. A proposed street which is in alignment with and joins an existing and named street shall bear the name of the existing street. In no case shall the proposed name of a street duplicate the name of an existing street within the area covered by this chapter. Use of a suffix such as "street," "avenue," "boulevard," "drive," "place," "court," and the like shall not be a distinction sufficient to constitute compliance with this chapter.
      (8)   Access. When a subdivision or portion thereof adjoins an arterial road, no single-family residential lot shall have direct access thereto. The lots shall be provided with frontage on a marginal access street. Lots with double frontage shall be avoided except where necessary when single-family residential development abuts arterial streets.
      (9)   Grading and paving. All streets shall be graded and the roadway improved by paving subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Curbing, gutter, and sidewalks shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. Layouts for local, collector and arterial streets shall be those shown in and have as minimum dimensions those dimensions shown in Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C. Minimum paving for local streets shall have 4 inches subgrade, 4 inch aggregate base and 1-1/2 inch asphalt. No paving is to be installed unless all utility lines have been placed and stubbed out under the areas to be paved.
   (C)   Alleys. Alleys 20-feet wide shall be provided to the rear or side of all lots to be used for commercial or industrial uses. Alleys may be required for apartment or multi-family subdivisions. Dead-end alleys shall not be allowed.
   (D)   Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 4 feet, shall be ADA approved, shall be constructed as indicated in Appendices A, B, and C, and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Alternatively, a single, 6 foot wide lane contiguous to and level with the paved roadway may be designated as a walkway. This walkway will be constructed of the same material as the paved roadway. Curbing is required when this alternative is chosen. Design is subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
   (E)   Easements for utilities. Except where alleys are provided for the purpose, utility easements not less than 10 feet in width shall be provided along rear or side lot lines where necessary for use in erecting, constructing and maintaining poles, wires, conduits, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, gas mains, water mains, electrical lines and other public utilities reasonably required for an urban structure. Whenever practical, utilities shall be placed underground. No building shall be erected on the easement. All final plats should be accompanied with evidence that all utilities concur, and that easements indicated on the plat are suitable for servicing the area.
   (F)   Water lines. The subdivider shall make necessary arrangements to serve each lot within the corporate limits from a water system that is approved by the State Engineer and the State Environment Department to supply potable water for domestic needs and for fire protection. Water lines shall be installed to at least the back side of proposed sidewalks before any paving is installed.
   (G)   Sanitary sewers. The subdivider of land within the city limits shall connect with a sanitary sewer system, private or public, if one is available, and provide adequate sewer lines accessible to each lot. Sewers to be constructed to service lots shall be constructed under the supervision of and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. All lines which lie under paving shall be installed prior to paving.
   (H)   Drainage. Adequate provision shall be made for drainage of storm water including easements and for the installation of storm sewer conduit.
      (1)   Drainage improvements shall maintain any natural water course and shall prevent the collection of water in any low spot. No lot shall be platted to obstruct natural water flow. Storm water drainage shall not combine with sanitary sewer. Drainage channels must be designed and installed subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
      (2)   A grading, drainage and development plan may be submitted together with the preliminary plat, and shall be submitted no later than such time as may be specified in the development agreement. The plan shall be prepared at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet or larger showing rights-of-way, easements, walkways, parks, common areas, roadways, water lines and reservoirs, sewer lines, manholes and treatment facilities, curbs and gutters, culverts, drains, storm water detention and retention basins, swales, ditches and other drainage devices, spot top of curb elevations, high and low street points, drainage arrows, street plans, all drainage areas and acreage, all 100-year storm flows (Q 100's) adjacent to and/or flowing onto the development and on-site at each surface flow junction storm water pickup and take-off points designed to handle 100-year flow on the surface, and cross sections and high water elevations for all 100-year flows. Spot elevations shall be given for all inverts, low points and flowing entry and exit points.
      (3)   The following standards shall be used in preparation of the grading, drainage, and development plan: 100-year storm flows shall not exceed 200 CFS per half street when feasible; pipes into which surface water flows will have a minimum diameter of 15 inches; and a capability for handling all Q100's on the surface within the roadway. Exceptions and variations to these standards must be recommended by a licensed engineer and approved by the City Engineer or acting City Engineer.
   (I)   Street signs. A four-way metal street sign shall be installed at each street intersection at the expense of the developer. Letters on the signs must be at least 4 inches high. Style, color and material must be approved in advance by the city. Signs on state highways shall meet the standards of the State Highway Commission.
   (J)   Recreational areas. Design consideration shall be given to the allocation of areas suitably located and of adequate size for playgrounds and parks for local or neighborhood use as well as public service areas. Consideration shall be given to locations designed for school bus loading purposes. Where proposed open space for recreation is shown on the Comprehensive Plan and is located in whole or in part in the proposed subdivision, a condition of final plat approval is that the subdivider shall dedicate the land or a part thereof in the city without charge for recreational purposes. The subdivider may propose and the Council negotiate payment of a fee to be held in trust by the city for use in maintaining or improving recreational facilities for the benefit of residents of the proposed subdivision as an alternative to dedication of land.
   (K)   Construction plans and details. Construction plans and details must be prepared by a registered professional engineer in the State of New Mexico and shall provide for all improvements indicated on the grading, drainage and development plan, and as otherwise provided for in the development agreement, including right- of-way and easement cross sections showing construction and placement of streets, walks, curbs, gutters, medians, ditches, utilities, planting strips and property lines; details of fire hydrants, valves, manholes, pipe junctions, pumps, catch basins and the like; street profiles showing natural and finished grades, centerlines and both curbs, with a recommended minimum vertical scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet; sanitary sewer line and manhole profiles with natural and finished grades, showing area under drains, if applicable, and the location of gravity outfall lines; storm drainage system profiles showing natural and finished grade; erosion control and re-vegetation details; and other details as necessary to adequately convey the design intent.
(Ord. 18, passed 12-2-1998; Am. Ord. 47, passed 9-24-2001; Am. Ord. 49, passed 12-12-2001; Am. Ord. 85, passed 9-7-2005; Am. Ord. 89, passed 12-28-2005; Am. Ord. 170, passed - -2017)