(A)   Preliminary plat and combined preliminary and final plat. The subdivider may submit a preliminary plat as provided herein, followed by submission of a final plat, or may submit a combined preliminary and final plat, subject to approval by the zoning official. The official shall determine which of the procedures, requirements and materials specified in this code for the preliminary and final plats may be combined and the procedure for doing so.
   (B)   Form and number. Preliminary plats shall be submitted on 18-inch x 24-inch sheets of paper to the Municipal Clerk in 12 paper copies and, if requested, a reproducible copy. An electronic submission may also be made. The preliminary plat shall consist of drawings and accompanying material and information as prescribed by this chapter.
   (C)   Contents of preliminary plat. The preliminary plat drawing, which may be on multiple sheets, shall be prepared at a scale that adequately represents the information. The face of the drawing shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name of the subdivision. The name shall not duplicate or too closely resemble the name of any subdivision previously filed in the county;
      (2)   Date of preparation, scale and north arrow. The top or left side of each sheet shall represent north wherever possible;
      (3)   The name, address and telephone number of the developer or subdivider, and the individual or firm responsible for the preparation of the preliminary plat;
      (4)   An accurate and complete boundary survey of the land to be subdivided, including the location and description of all monuments set or found. Plat boundary lines shall be shown in a heavy solid line, giving the bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds. Distances shall be shown in feet and hundredths. Curved boundaries or lines on the plat shall provide sufficient data to enable the reestablishment of curves on the ground;
      (5)   Existing contours at a maximum interval of five feet unless waived by the Planning Commission;
      (6)   General location and extent of any significant natural features such as steep slopes;
      (7)   Floodplains as delineated on maps available from the Planning Commission or other agency;
      (8)   Location and dimensions of existing drainage channels;
      (9)   Location, dimensions and names of existing roads, streets, alleys, and structures within 100 feet immediately adjacent to the property showing how they relate to the proposed subdivision layout;
      (10)   Location, size and grades of existing sanitary and storm sewers and location and size of water mains, gas lines, pipelines or other underground utilities or installations within the proposed subdivision and within 100 feet immediately adjacent thereto;
      (11)   Location and dimension of all easements of record;
      (12)   Location and width of proposed streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and easements;
      (13)   Layout, numbers and dimensions of proposed lots and blocks, sizes of lots, and proposed street addresses for each lot and tract; and
      (14)   A showing that all lots in any subdivision meet the requirements of the city zoning code and that each lot shall be dimensioned in such manner that setbacks, building areas, and access shall be suitable for any structure or building that may be moved onto or constructed on the lot, and that the building area shall not be located in any drainage channel. No platted lot within a subdivision shall contain less square footage than that required by the city zoning code. The provisions of this division are subject to such variances as may be granted according to the variance procedures provided herein.
      (15)   Location, dimension and size in acres of all sites proposed to be used for commercial, industrial, multi-family residential, public or quasi-public use, with the use noted.
   (D)   Supporting materials for preliminary plat. The following information and material shall be a part of any preliminary plat submittal and shall be noted on the plat or shall accompany the preliminary plat drawing:
      (1)   Payment of the total amount of the preliminary plat fee;
      (2)   A vicinity map drawn at a scale that adequately represents the information, showing the location of the proposed subdivision in the city and its relationship to surrounding development;
      (3)   Existing zoning and land use of the proposed subdivision and immediately adjacent areas;
      (4)   A summary of the total number of acres, number of lots, acreage of commercial or industrial areas; acreage of open space; and amount of land in rights-of-way, and other descriptive material useful in reviewing the proposed subdivision;
      (5)   A master utility plan, which shall contain a general outline of the proposed utility routing plans for the development, to include, but not be limited to, the following information:
         (a)   Existing and proposed utility locations;
         (b)   Sizes of existing and proposed utilities and system loads;
         (c)   Locations of proposed connections to existing utilities; and
         (d)   Proposed off-site improvements necessary to connect to existing utilities;
      (6)   Master drainage study:
         (a)   The purpose of the master drainage study is to identify major drainage ways, ponding areas, locations of culverts, bridges, open channels and drainage basins that are contributory to the proposed study area. In addition, the ability of downstream drainage facilities to pass the developed runoff from the proposed development must be analyzed in the master drainage study;
         (b)   The master drainage study shall contain a general outline of the proposed drainage routing plans for the development;
         (c)   The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information and calculations:
            1.   Calculation for peak flow from all off-site tributary drainage areas;
            2.   Calculations for peak flow within the proposed development for all drainage basins larger than 20 acres;
            3.   Preliminary analysis of 100-year floodplain and major drainage ways;
            4.   Closed sub- basin analysis of 100-year floodplain and major drainage ways;
            5.   Discussion and analysis of downstream drainage facilities; and
            6.   Discussion of anticipated drainage problems within the proposed development and possible solutions;
         (d)   Drawings for the master drainage study shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
            1.   Any and all floodplains and flood ways must be identified. A copy of applicable F.E.M.A. floodplain map is required indicating limits of current study;
            2.   Existing topography;
            3.   For land that slopes less than approximately 5%, show contour liens at intervals of not more than 2 feet;
            4.   For land that slopes more than 5%, show contour lines at intervals of not more than 5 feet;
            5.   Location and size of existing and proposed open channels, storm drains, retention/detention areas, and other drainage structures;
            6.   Identification of all drainage basins in the development;
            7.   Location of all streets in/adjacent to the proposed development;
            8.   Identification of all drainage basins tributary to the proposed development; and
            9.   Basin maps may be sealed as small as one inch = 2,000 feet. Orthophoto maps at scale of one inch = 200 feet are preferred. (Use the most appropriate scale available);
      (7)   List of suggested street names;
      (8)   A statement describing the development and maintenance responsibility for any private streets, ways or open space;
      (9)   The recommendations of a qualified professional engineer of the affected soil conservation district regarding soil suitability, erosion control, sedimentation and drainage problems;
      (10)   A description of the phasing and scheduling of phases for the development, if the final plat is to be submitted in separate phases;
      (11)   A petition for annexation to the city if the land to be subdivided is contiguous to and outside (either by itself or as part of a larger tract) the boundaries of the city;
      (12)   An application for appropriate zoning for the subdivided area if the area is to be annexed or if the existing zoning district does not allow the types of uses proposed;
      (13)   The names and addresses of all owners of subdivided lots and unplatted land contiguous to or within 200 feet of the boundary of the proposed subdivision; and
      (14)   A completed preliminary plat checklist on the standard forms provided.
   (E)   Departmental review.
      (1)   Upon receipt of the preliminary plat and all required supporting material, the Municipal Clerk or designee shall refer the plat and supporting materials to such city departments or outside consultants as may be necessary for review of the application.
      (2)   Individuals, departments and consultants receiving referral copies of the preliminary plat shall return written comments and recommendations to the Clerk within 15-working days after they receive the plat. The Clerk shall promptly forward the comments and recommendations to the subdivider or the subdivider's representative.
   (F)   Planning Commission review.
      (1)   The preliminary plat shall be presented to the Planning Commission for its consideration at the next available meeting following review by the departments and consultants to whom it has been referred. Not less than ten days prior to the meeting, the clerk shall provide notice to owners of subdivided lots and owners of unplatted land within 200 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision of the time and date of the meeting. The subdivider shall be responsible for providing the Clerk with the names and addresses of the property owners to be notified.
      (2)   The subdivider, or his or her duly authorized representative, shall attend the Planning Commission meeting at which the proposal is scheduled for consideration.
      (3)   The Planning Commission shall conduct its consideration of the preliminary plat as a quasi-judicial hearing, and the subdivider and all other interested or affected parties shall be allowed to offer comments. The Planning Commission may approve, conditionally approve, disapprove or postpone its decision in order to obtain additional information. Upon final action by the Planning Commission, the Clerk shall set the matter for review by the Council and shall provide not less than ten days' notice to the applicant and to all persons within the notification area of the time and date of the consideration by the governing body.
   (G)   City Council review. The Council shall conduct a hearing according to the procedures specified herein for consideration by the Planning Commission, and may approve, conditionally approve, disapprove, or remand the matter to the Planning Commission for further review and action. Upon final approval by the governing body, the subdivider may proceed with preparation and presentation of the final plat.
   (H)   Effective period of preliminary plat. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Council shall be effective for 6-consecutive calendar months from the date of approval. The subdivider may apply in writing for, and the Planning Commission may, for cause shown, grant up to a 6-month extension. If a final plat has not been submitted within this specified period on all or a portion of the land area included in the preliminary plat, a preliminary plat must again be submitted for approval. In a phased development, if there is any land area for which a preliminary plat has been approved and for which a final plat has not been submitted within 24 months from the date of the approval of the preliminary plat, the applicant shall not be allowed to proceed with final platting until a new preliminary plat is submitted and approved.
(Ord. 18, passed 12-2-1998; Am. Ord. 47, passed 9-24-2001; Am. Ord. 49, passed 12-12-2001; Am. Ord. 85, passed 9-7-2005; Am. Ord. 89, passed 12-28-2005; Am. Ord. 170, passed - -2017; Am. Ord. 194, passed 12-16-2020)