§ 155.130 APPEALS.
   (A)   Short-term residential rental applicants aggrieved by the denial, non-renewal, or revocation of a short-term residential rental permit may appeal the decision of the City Land Use Office to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (1)   The aggrieved applicant must appeal the City Land Use Office's decision within 15 calendar days of receiving it by submitting a notice of appeal to the City Clerk. The notice of appeal must specify the Land Use Office's action(s) to which the applicant is appealing and why the applicant believes the action(s) should be reversed.
      (2)   The City Clerk shall place the appeal hearing on the agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission's next regular meeting, consistent with the Open Meeting Act. The City Clerk shall also mail notice of the appeal hearing's date, time, and place to the applicant.
      (3)   Prior to the appeal hearing, the City Clerk shall transmit the notice of appeal and all documents constituting the record relating to the action(s) being appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review.
      (4)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may reverse or affirm the action(s) of the City Land Use Office. The Planning and Zoning Commission may only reverse the actions of the City Land Use Office if they were: (1) arbitrary, capricious, or fraudulent; (2) unsupported by substantial evidence; (3) outside the scope of the Land Use Office's authority; or (4) otherwise unsupported by law.
      (5)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall provide the applicant with a written copy of its findings and decision.
   (B)   Applicants aggrieved by the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may appeal to the City Council following the procedure under § 155.007.
(Ord. 202, passed 4-20-2022)