(A)   Temporary signs may be posted in any sign district of the city and will not count toward the total signage allowed on a property, subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A temporary sign may be posted only with the consent of the property owner or occupant.
      (2)   All temporary signs must be constructed and designed of materials durable enough to withstand the elements to which the sign is to be subjected. No temporary sign shall be illuminated or painted with light-reflecting paint.
      (3)   No additions, tag sign streamers, attention-getting devices or other appurtenances shall be attached to any temporary sign.
      (4)   No temporary sign shall be located in the clear sight triangle, obstruct or impair access to a public sidewalk, public or private street or driveway, traffic control sign, bus stop, fire hydrant, or any other type of street fixtures, or otherwise create a hazard, including a tripping hazard.
      (5)   Signs in the right-of-way may not be located or posted on medians, trees, utility poles, or other utility structures located in the right-of-way.
      (6)   Nuisances. If any temporary sign becomes a nuisance as defined elsewhere in the city code, such signs may be subject to removal, relocation, or other actions to eliminate the nuisance.
      (7)   A temporary sign that remains in place for more than 90 days is considered permanent sign that requires a new permit and that counts toward the total signage allowed on a property.
   (B)   Temporary signs in residential sign districts (SFR or MFR) are subject the following additional regulations:
      (1)   The total square footage for temporary signs posted on a lot in a residential sign district, in the aggregate, shall not exceed 32 square feet.
      (2)   No individual sign shall exceed eight square feet and six feet in height if freestanding.
      (3)   One development/construction sign not to exceed 32 square feet and six feet in height may be placed at the entrance of a subdivision or model home village until the subdivision is complete.
      (4)   Signs may be freestanding or securely attached to a wall or fence.
      (5)   No temporary sign in a residential zone shall advertise or promote any commercial enterprise not conducted on the same lot.
   (C)   Temporary signs in the CSU Sign District are subject to the following additional regulations:
      (1)   Temporary signs shall be located on the same lot as to which the signs pertain, not in the public right-of-way.
      (2)   The total square footage for all temporary signs posted on a lot in all commercial (nonresidential) sign districts, in the aggregate, shall not exceed 64 square feet.
      (3)   Development located on a single lot which is 20 or more acres in size may post signage that does not in the aggregate exceed 128 square feet.
      (4)   No individual sign shall exceed 32 square feet.
      (5)   Signs may be freestanding or securely attached to a wall or fence.
      (6)   A temporary sign shall not advertise or promote any commercial enterprise or event not conducted on the same lot except as otherwise stipulated herein.
(Ord. 208, passed 5-24-2023)