(A)   Locations.
      (1)   CEVMS may be attached to a freestanding pole, monument, blade, pylon, or ground sign; canopy sign; or marquee.
      (2)   CEVMS should be located at least 200 feet from the nearest boundary of a residential district.
      (3)   CEVMS must have a minimum side setback of ten feet. For signs taller than ten feet, the side setback must equal or exceed the height of the sign at its tallest point. CEVMS are allowed to have zero front setback from the right-of-way or easement.
      (4)   CEVMS are prohibited in residential sign districts and as roof signs.
   (B)   Operational limits. When in view of motorists on a public right-of-way:
      (1)   CEVMS may contain static messages, movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement, animation, or videos.
      (2)   There should be no appearance of flashing or sudden bursts of light or scintillating light. Illumination intensity or contrast of light level must remain constant.
      (3)   The time interval used to change from one complete message/display to the next complete message/display should be a maximum of one (1.0) second.
      (4)   Display time and intervals between messages. The display time of messages shall not be so fast, nor the interval time between messages so slow, as to cause confusion or distract drivers. CEVMS displays violating this section must be turned off or changed to a single, static message.
      (5)   There may be an appearance of a visual dissolve or fading, in which any part of one electronic message/display appears simultaneously with any part of a second electronic message/display.
      (6)   Letter height should be large enough for messages to be legible and easily read by passing motorists.
      (7)   Audio speakers are not allowed with the exception that the sign serves a governmental purpose.
      (8)   CEVMS should be designed so that the height, dimensions, angle, and design features are compatible with the site and surrounding area.
      (9)   A maximum of one primary sign per premise with a single entrance may contain a CEVMS that can be viewed from the public right-of-way. A CEVMS may have two sign faces and may be installed back-to-back or in a V shape not to exceed a 30° angle.
      (10)   Additional CEVMS viewed from the right-of-way may be approved as part of a Comprehensive Signage Plan for large scale developments and properties with one than one entrance.
      (11)   CEVMS must be equipped with a default mechanism that shuts off or freezes the sign to static mode to prevent flashing if a malfunction occurs.
      (12)   CEVMS must be equipped with an automatic ambient light dimming mechanism to adjust the display intensity according to the natural ambient light conditions.
      (13)   Light levels should not exceed 0.1 foot-candles 20 feet from the abutting property line, and no lamp can create disability glare on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way. Disability glare is defined as any source producing greater than 2,500 nits.
      (14)   As measured from the sign's face at maximum brightness, no sign may display an illuminative brightness exceeding 500 nits (candelas per square meter) during the night beginning one-half hour before sunset and 2,000 nits during daylight beginning one-half hour after sunrise as published by the National Weather Service for the city.
      (15)   CEVMS must have an automatic dimmer control to produce a distinct illumination change from a higher illumination level to a lower level for the time period between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise.
(Ord. 208, passed 5-24-2023)