§ 132.05  SHOPLIFTING.
   It is unlawful for any person to willfully take possession of or conceal any merchandise valued at not more than $100 offered for sale with the intention of converting it without paying for it or to willfully alter any label, price tag, or marking upon any merchandise, or transfer any merchandise from 1 container to another with the intention of depriving the merchant of all or part of the value of the merchandise. Any person who willfully conceals merchandise on his or her own person or on the person of another or among his or her belongings or the belongings of another or on or outside the premises of the store shall be prima facie presumed to have concealed the merchandise with the intention of converting it without paying for it. If any merchandise is found to be concealed on any person or among his or her belongings, it shall be prima facie evidence of willful concealment. Any offense concerning merchandise valued at more than $100 shall be turned over to a higher authority.
(Ord. 25, passed 2-3-1999)  Penalty, see § 10.99