351.01 Registration, certificate of title required.
351.02 Registration card.
351.03 Display of registration plates.
351.04 Operation of vehicle without evidence of registration; use of temporary facsimile.
351.05 Improper use of registration card, plate or permit.
351.06 Driver or motorcycle license required.
351.07 Persons exempt from license.
351.08 Display of license.
351.09 Certain acts prohibited.
351.10 Driving under suspension or revocation.
351.11 Owner or operator allowing another to drive.
351.99 Penalty.
Impounding unlicensed vehicle - see TRAF. 303.07
Illumination of license plate - see TRAF. 345.05(c)
No person shall drive or move and no owner shall knowingly permit to be driven or moved upon any street or highway any vehicle of a type required to be registered under West Virginia Code Chapter 17-A which is not registered or for which a certificate of title has not been issued or applied for or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid when and as required, except as otherwise permitted by the provisions therein: provided, that in the event of the sale of a vehicle by a person other than a registered dealer, the person purchasing the same may, for a period of not more than ten days, operate such vehicle under the registration of its previous owner and display the registration thereof: provided further that he shall have and display on the demand of any proper officer the consent in writing of such previous owner so to use such registration.
(WVaC 17A-3-1)
Every owner upon receipt of a registration card shall write his signature thereon with pen and ink in the space provided. Every such registration card shall at all times be carried in the vehicle to which it refers or shall be carried by the person driving or in control of such vehicle who shall display the same upon demand of a police officer or any officer or employee of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
(WVaC 17A-3-13)