No building or unit shall be permitted to be erected or altered or lot size modified:
   (a)   To exceed the height;
   (b)   To accommodate a greater number of families;
   (c)   To occupy a greater percentage of lot area;
   (d)   To have narrower or smaller rear yards; front yards or side yards than is specified herein for the district in which a building is located.
   (e)   To permit a well to be drilled that may yield combustible gases or liquids closer than 200 feet from the nearest structure.
   No part of a yard or other open space required about any building for the purpose of complying with setbacks of the Building Code Ordinances of the Town shall be included as part of a yard or open space or other space similarly required for another building.
(Ord. 08-01.  Passed 11-6-08.)