(A)   In the event of a major disaster, the primary medical facility or a first aid station can be established in one or more of the following places:
      (1)   Genesis Medical Group of Eldridge;
      (2)   North Scott School Administration Office;
      (3)   School gym;
      (4)   Medic EMS; and
      (5)   Eldridge Community Center.
   (B)   The injured shall be treated at first aid stations by doctors or nurses with the help of trained first aid personnel and Red Cross volunteers. The triage officer or doctor in charge shall be in charge of sending the most severely injured to the hospital most capable of caring for that person. The injured shall be taken to hospitals in Davenport, Bettdndorf or DeWitt. The person in charge of the first aid station will appoint one individual, at the first aid station, to keep a record of all persons taken to the hospital and to which hospital they were taken. This person is then to forward this information back to the E.O.C.