Nearby governmental units, owners of heavy equipment, the Red Cross and the National Guard are the most likely sources of assistance. Outside assistance must be properly controlled before any benefits can be gained. A civil defense representative will screen incoming vehicles to keep unnecessary personnel and equipment out of the disaster area and to get necessary personnel and equipment to the proper location and authorities. City Police Department will coordinate CD volunteers. Resource needs will be direct from the E.O.C. The E.O.C. radio operator will maintain contact with city departments to find out what assistance is necessary. He or she will then direct needed assistance to appropriate locations. Two Civil Defense, Highway Patrol or Sheriff’s office personnel will be stationed at the E.O.C., and will be under the E.O.C. director. Two Civil Defense personnel will be stationed at each of the necessary distribution centers (city shop or fire station). All assistance will be held at the E.O.C. until requested, except emergency vehicles. All food, clothing and personal supplies will be sent to the fire station or city shop. All heavy equipment with volunteer operators will be sent to the city shop. Inventory reports will be sent to the E.O.C. at designated intervals.