It is recognized that protection of life and property during an emergency is the primary responsibility of government at all levels. Existing agencies of government will perform emergency activities relating to those they perform under non-emergency conditions. Within city limits, city officials will be responsible for the direction and control of emergency operations, and will utilize the regular, auxiliary or volunteer resources of city government. They will also be responsible for coordinating with others to provide for those emergency operations not within the capabilities of city government forces. Within county boundaries, but exclusive of incorporated cities, county officials will be responsible for directions and control of emergency operations, and will utilize the regular, auxiliary or volunteer resources of county government forces. In an emergency affecting more than one political jurisdiction, officials of all jurisdictions involved will coordinate their services to the maximum extent possible. The disaster services organization will provide coordination between levels of government and will provide the unique disaster services skills and activities not available in existing organizations. The disaster services organization will also provide resource coordination between government agencies and the private sector. Each agency, department or service of government shall provide for the maintenance of records during an emergency. These records should include work-hours, equipment hours, supplies and material consumed, injuries to personnel and damage to public facilities and equipment.