(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to own, possess, harbor, maintain, sell or traffic in any of the following wild, exotic or dangerous animals:
      (1)   All poisonous snakes and poisonous reptiles; all non-poisonous snakes greater than ten feet in length; Gila monsters, alligators, crocodiles and caimans;
      (2)   Gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, baboons and other non-human primate mammals, both arboreal and nonarboreal;
      (3)   Any species of feline not falling within the categories of ordinary domesticated house cats as established by the American Cat Fancier Association;
      (4)   Bears or any species;
      (5)   Raccoons, porcupines, skunks, badgers and other similar fur-bearing animals except ferrets;
      (6)   Foxes, wolves, coyotes or other species not falling within the category of canis familiaris; and
      (7)   Any animal of any species known to be vicious or dangerous, excluding canis familiaris.
   (B)   The prohibition contained in division (A) above shall not apply to the keeping of poisonous snakes, poisonous reptiles, Gila monsters, crocodiles, alligators and caimans; provided that the owner of such an animal is 18 years of age or older, and that person has either:
      (1)   Received a bachelor of science degree based upon courses of instruction which included courses in herpetology from an accredited college level institution;
      (2)   Has successfully completed a course of instruction taught under the auspices of a bona fide municipal zoo on the proper handling, care and keeping of such animals; or
      (3)   Has completed a course of instruction of at least 20 hours duration at an accredited educational institution on the care, handling and keeping of reptiles; and
      (4)   Has applied for and received from the humane society a permit to keep such animals, such application to be on a form approved by the City Council.
   (C)   The prohibition contained in division (A) above, as to non-specified other primates, shall not apply to the keeping of primates; provided that the owner of such an animal is 18 years of age or older, and:
      (1)   That person has either a bachelor of science degree based upon courses of instruction which included courses in primatology from an accredited college level institution;
      (2)   Has successfully completed a course of instruction taught under the auspices of a bona fide municipal zoo on the proper handling, care and keeping of such animals; or
      (3)   Has completed a course of instruction of at least 20 hours duration at an accredited educational institution on the care, handling and keeping of primates; and
      (4)   Has applied for and received from the humane society a permit to keep such animals, such application to be on a form approved by the City Council.
   (D)   This section shall not apply to any bona fide zoological garden, bona fide educational or medical institution, museum, veterinary hospital, wildlife rescue entity or wildlife rehabilitation entity with an appropriate permit from the state, any such animals under the jurisdiction of the Commission, game breeders, a circus or carnival licensed by the city, nor shall it apply to a bona fide research institute or facility using wild, exotic or dangerous animals for scientific research. In addition, this section shall not apply to any primate trained and used to assist a handicapped person.
   (E)   Any wild, exotic or dangerous animal found within the city in violation of this section is deemed a public nuisance per se. If a wild, exotic or dangerous animal is found to be roaming at large within the city, it may, in the discretion of the Police Department or animal control officer, be destroyed immediately without prior notice to the owner thereof. The city and its agents shall be under no duty or obligation to capture or otherwise confine the animal.
   (F)   Any person found to be keeping, sheltering, harboring or maintaining a wild, exotic or dangerous animal in violation of this section is subject to the animals’ immediate seizure as contraband. Any animal so seized shall be held for three business days. If the owner has not petitioned the court regarding disposition of the animal and served notice of the pendency of the owner’s petition for disposition of the animal on the humane society within that time period, the humane society may euthanize the animal or permanently place it with an entity which is exempt from the provisions of this section. If necessary, the animal control officer or humane society may impound a wild, exotic or dangerous animal at another facility. The animal’s owner shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the humane society or the city which arise as a result of the seizure and impoundment of a wild, exotic or dangerous animal. Under no circumstance shall a wild, exotic or dangerous animal be returned to or placed with a non-exempt entity within the city limits. If a wild, exotic or dangerous animal is ever again found to be within the city in violation of this section, it shall be immediately confiscated and disposed of as the humane society deems appropriate.
   (G)   Any person keeping wild, exotic or dangerous animals prior to the enactment of this chapter shall be allowed to keep such animals for the duration of the animal’s natural life. Upon the death of a wild, exotic or dangerous animal, the owner of such animal shall not be allowed to replace such animal except as otherwise allowed by this section. The burden of proving the prior ownership of a wild, exotic or dangerous animal prior to the enactment of this chapter lies with the person keeping such wild, exotic or dangerous animal. Nothing herein shall be deemed to exclude the enforcement of nuisance or other laws on the owner of such animals.