The term NUISANCE shall mean whatever is injurious to health, indecent or offensive to the senses or an obstacle to the free use of property so as essentially to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property. NUISANCES are declared to be, but not limited to, the following:
§ 1.01.   All dogs, goats, horses, cattle, swine or fowl running at large within the city limits;
§ 1.02.   All pools or ponds of stagnant water;
§ 1.03.   A carcass of any kind of dead animal not disposed of within 24 hours after its death;
§ 1.04.   Dense growth of all vines, brush or other vegetation in the city so as to constitute a health, safety or fire hazard;
§ 1.05.   The corrupting or rendering unwholesome or impure the water of an river, creek, pond or ground water, or unlawfully diverting the same from its natural course to the injury or prejudice of others;
§ 1.06.   Accumulations of refuse;
§ 1.07.   Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas and soot or cinders, in unreasonable quantities;
§ 1.08.   The distribution of samples of medicines or drugs unless such samples are placed in the hands of an adult;
§ 1.09.   All gambling devices, slot machines and punch board;
§ 1.10.   All indecent or obscene pictures, books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers;
§ 1.11.   All houses kept for the purpose of prostitution or promiscuous sexual intercourse, gambling houses, houses of ill fame and bawdy houses;
§ 1.12.   The public use of profane or obscene language;
§ 1.13.   The burning of leaves, debris or other materials upon a public street sidewalk or other such public places;
§ 1.14.   All diseased animals running at large;
§ 1.15.   Trees infected with Dutch Elm Disease or trees infected by Emerald Ash Borer;
§ 1.16.   All trees, hedges, billboards or other obstructions which prevent persons from having a clear view of any portion or part of a public street, road, highway, alley or railroad track so as to endanger the safety of the public;
§ 1.17.   All buildings, walls and other structures which have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an extent exceeding one-half of their original value and which are so situated so as to endanger the safety of the public;
§ 1.18.   All unnecessary noises and vibrations;
§ 1.19.   Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary use by the public of streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds, except under such conditions as are provided for by this code;
§ 1.20.   Any use of property abutting on a public street or sidewalk or any use of a public street or sidewalk which causes large crowds of people to gather or an obstruction of traffic and the free use of the streets or sidewalks;
§ 1.21.   All explosives, inflammable liquids and other dangerous substance stored in any manner or in any amount other than that provided for by this code;
§ 1.22.   All use or display of fireworks except as provided by this code;
§ 1.23.   All wires which are strung less than 15 feet above the ground; and
§ 1.24.   Electric and barb wire fences as provided in the city’s zoning ordinances.
(Ord. 2018-06, passed 10-15-2018)