A person commits a simple misdemeanor when the person does any of the following (see Title B, Chapter 2, § 1.30 or Iowa Code § 723.4):
   (A)   Engages in fighting/violent behavior in any public place or in/near any lawful assembly of person; provided that participants in athletic contests may engage in such conduct which is reasonably related to that sport;
   (B)   Makes loud and raucous noise in the vicinity of any residence or hospital which causes unreasonable distress to the occupants thereof;
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to make or permit any disturbance, disturbance of peace, including any hollering, screaming, uses of profane language or fighting, loud music, in any house upon any premises owned, occupied or possessed by him or her, or of which he or she has control, as an agent or otherwise, in such a manner as to disturb the neighborhood, neighbors or person(s) passing in the streets. The proof of such acts shall form a rebuttable presumption that the same was done with the permission of the owner, occupant or possessor;
   (D)   Directs abusive epithets or makes any threatening gesture which the person knows or reasonably should know is likely to provoke a violent reaction by another;
   (E)   Without lawful authority or color of authority, the person disturbs any lawful assembly or meeting of person(s) by conduct intended to disrupt the meeting or assembly;
   (F)   By words or action, initiates or circulates a report or warning of fire, epidemic or other catastrophe, knowing such report to be false or such warning to be baseless;
   (G)   Knowingly and publicly uses the flag of the United States in such manner as to show disrespect for the flag as a symbol of the United States, with the intent or reasonable expectation that such use will provoke or encourage another to commit a public offense;
   (H)   Without authority or justification, the person obstructs any street, sidewalk, highway or other public way, with the intent to prevent or hinder its lawful use by others;
   (I)   To use blasphemous or obscene language publicly, to the disturbance of the public peace and quiet; and
   (J)   Urinates or defecates in or upon any street, sidewalk, alley, public place or in any place open to public view; providing that this section shall not apply to restrooms or public facilities designated for such purposes.