(A)   (1)   Any person desiring to operate or expand a campground shall first file application for a campground license with the City Zoning Officer. The application shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and land owner and shall be accompanied by an initial license fee payment as provided in § 4.01 of this chapter. This initial license fee shall be for the period from the date of first issue of said license to the third day of December next following whereupon the provision for the annual license fee shall apply.
      (2)   The application shall contain the following:
         (a)   Name and address of the applicant;
         (b)   Street address location or legal description of the site, lot or tract of land upon which the campground is to be located;
         (c)   Duplicate sets of the plat of the campground, and plans and specifications of all buildings and other improvements shall have been filed with the State Department of Health;
         (d)   Such further information as may be required by the Zoning Officer and the City Fire Chief to determine if the proposed campground will comply with all laws relating to the public health and safety; and
         (e)   Sufficient information to show complete compliance by the park owner of Iowa Code Chapter 135D and all rules and regulations of the State Department of Health.
   (B)   The Zoning Officer shall forthwith refer said application to the City Fire Chief and Chief of Police. If the applicant is found to be of good character, the Chief of Police shall so endorse said application. If the proposed campground shall be found to comply with all laws related to the public health and safety, the health officer and the City Fire Chief shall so endorse said application which shall then be returned to the City Council for consideration and action thereon.