§ 17.00 REFUNDS.
   (A)   Any such licensee or permittee, or his or her executor, administrator or any person duly appointed by the court to take charge of and administer the property or assets of the licensee or permittee for the benefit of his or her creditors, may voluntarily surrender such license or permit to the Department. When a license or permit is surrendered, the Department shall notify the city and the Department, or the city shall refund to the person so surrendering the license or permit a proportionate amount of the fee received, as set forth in Iowa Code § 123.38. No refund shall be made, however, for a license or permit surrendered more than nine months after issuance, and no refund shall be made if there is, at the time of said surrender, a complaint filed with the Department or the city, charging violation of this chapter or the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 123. If, upon a hearing on a complaint, a license or permit is not revoked or suspended, then the licensee or permittee shall be eligible to receive a refund as provided herein upon surrender, but if the license or permit is revoked or suspended upon such hearing, there shall be no entitlement to a refund of any portion of the license or permit fee.
   (B)   No refund shall be made for seasonal licenses or permits.