Where words and phrases used in this chapter are defined by state law, such definitions shall apply to their use in this chapter and are adopted by reference. Those definitions so adopted that need further definition or are reiterated, and other words and phrases used herein, shall have the following meanings.
§ 2.01. CLUB. Any non-profit corporation or association of individuals, which is the owner, lessee or occupant of a permanent building or part thereof, membership in which entails the prepayment of regular dues and is not operated for a profit other than such profits as would accrue to the entire membership.
§ 2.02. COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. A place of business which is, at all times, equipped with sufficient tables and seats to accommodate 25 persons at one time, and the licensed premises of which conform to the chapters of this city.
§ 2.03. GROCERY STORE. A retail establishment, the principal business of which consists of the sale of food or food products for consumption off the premises. The volume of sales of all other items, commodities and materials shall be included with the volume of sales of beer, and sales of beer shall not equal or exceed 50% of the dollar volume of all sales made by the establishment to meet the test that food sales must be the principal business thereof.
§ 2.04. HOTEL or MOTEL. A premises licensed by the State Department of Agriculture and regularly or seasonally kept open in a bona fide manner for the lodging of transient guests, and with 20 or more sleeping rooms.
§ 2.05. LEGAL AGE. The age specified by current state law.
§ 2.06. PERSON OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER. Any person who meets all of the following requirements.
   (A)   He or she has such financial standing and good reputation as will satisfy the City Council and the Director that he or she will comply with the Iowa Beer and Liquor Control Act, being Iowa Code Title IV, Chapter 123, and all other laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to his or her operations under state law.
   (B)   He or she does not possess a federal gambling stamp.
   (C)   He or she is not prohibited by the provisions of § 22.00 of this chapter from obtaining a liquor license, wine permit or beer permit.
   (D)   He or she is citizen of the United States and a resident of the state, or licensed to do business in the state in the case of a corporation.
   (E)   He or she has not been convicted of a felony. However, if his or her conviction of a felony occurred more than five years before the application for a license or permit, and if his or her rights of citizenship have been restored by the Governor, the Director may determine that he or she is a person of good moral character not withstanding such conviction.
   (F)   If such person is a corporation, partnership, association, club or hotel or motel, the requirements of this subsection shall apply to each of the officers, directors and partners of such person and to any person who directly or indirectly owns or controls 10% or more of any class of stock of such person or has an interest of 10% or more in the ownership or profits of such person. For the purpose of this subsection, an individual and his or her spouse shall be regarded as one person.
§ 2.07. PHARMACY. A drug store in which drugs and medicines are exposed for sale and sold at retail, or in which prescriptions of licensed physicians and surgeons, dentists or veterinarians are compounded and sold by a registered pharmacist.