An application for a license under this chapter shall be made with the City Police Chief, or his or her authorized representative, and shall give the following information:
(A) The name or names of the person or persons having the management or supervision of applicant’s business during the time that it is proposed it will be carried on in the city and the local address or addresses of such person or persons while engaged in such business;
(B) The name and permanent address of the applicant; whether such person will act as proprietor, agent, consignee or employee and the credentials establishing such relationship; the name and address of the person, firm or corporation for whose account the business will be carried on, if any; and if a corporation, under the laws of what state the same is incorporated;
(C) The place or places in the city where it is proposed to carry on applicant’s business and the length of time during which it is proposed said business shall be conducted;
(D) A statement of the nature and character of the tangible personal property or service to be sold or offered for sale by the applicant in the city; whether the goods are new, damaged or rejects; whether the same are proposed to be sold from stock in possession or by sample, or at auction, or by direct sale, or by taking orders for future deliveries; where the goods or property proposed to be sold are manufactured or produced and where such goods or products are located at the time said application is filed;
(E) The place or places other than the permanent place of business of the applicant, where applicant within three years preceding the date of said application peddled, solicited or conducted a transient business, stating the nature thereof and giving the post office box number and street address of any building or office in or from which said business was conducted;
(F) Whether or not the applicant or the person having management or supervision of the applicant’s business has been convicted of a felony within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application or of the violation of any laws or ordinance relating to the same or similar business proposed to be conducted by the applicant, the nature of such offense and the punishment therefor;
(G) Whether the applicant has ever applied for a license under this chapter which has been denied;
(H) Whether the applicant has ever held a license under this chapter which has been revoked;
(I) A physical description of the applicant, setting forth the applicant’s age, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, social security number, driver’s license number and state issued, a photograph of the applicant and the right thumbprint of the applicant; and
(J) (1) If the applicant’s business is to be conducted through employees, the application shall include the information specified at divisions (E) through (I) above, inclusive, for each employee who will be conducting applicant’s business in this city as well as the name and address of each such employee; and
(2) A non-refundable fee of $5 shall be paid at the time of filing such application to cover the cost of investigating the facts set forth therein.