(A)   The primal bench marks in the city, and the elevation thereof in reference to the city datum plane or base are as follows:
      (1)   Southeast bolt fire hydrant northwest corner of First and Sheridan: 786.45;
      (2)   “X” northwest corner pump island southwest corner First and LeClaire: 788.20;
      (3)   Top south bolt on fire hydrant at northwest corner North Second and West LeClaire: 790.19;
      (4)   East bolt fire hydrant on Fourth and LeClaire: 790.60;
      (5)   East bolt fire hydrant on Seventh and LeClaire: 777.67;
      (6)   East bolt fire hydrant northwest corner Fourth and Davenport: 792.49;
      (7)   South bolt fire hydrant Third and Franklin: 791.53;
      (8)   East bolt fire hydrant Fourth and Franklin at Franklin Park: 792.33;
      (9)   East bolt fire hydrant Fourth and Donahue: 791.37;
      (10)   East bolt fire hydrant Second and Franklin: 790.78;
      (11)   East bolt fire hydrant southeast corner Third and Davies: 788.60;
      (12)   South bolt fire hydrant Third and Donahue: 789.47;
      (13)   Southeast bolt fire hydrant south side Price 200 feet +/- west of North First: 787.86;
      (14)   “X” cut on east headwall box culvert on east side North First Street 500 +/- north of Sheridan Park (south one of two): 767.91;
      (15)   Southwest bole of first hydrant south side Price Street at alley between North First Street and North Second Street: 787.67;
      (16)   “M” in Mueller on hydrant at southeast corner Price Street and North Sixth Avenue: 777.23;
      (17)   “[]” cut in southeast side light pole base at south end of center island of North Sixth Avenue, north side of LeClaire Road: 788.96;
      (18)   “[]” cut on northeast corner of concrete pad at electrical panel on south side Sheridan Park outside “A” Frame building: 771.59;
      (19)   “[]” cut on southeast corner of concrete pad for “Casey’s” pylon sign north side LeClaire Road 100’ +/- west of Ninth Avenue: 791.33; and
      (20)   Arrow on fire hydrant at southeast corner Price Street and North Ninth Avenue: 775.44.
   (B)   Control points:
      (1)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line LeClaire Road and North First Street: 788.28;
      (2)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line South Ninth Avenue and East Iowa Street: 783.11;
      (3)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line South 16th Avenue extended to north: 775.25;
      (4)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line LeClaire Road and South 14th Avenue: 781.07;
      (5)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line South First Street and Spring Street: 785.31;
      (6)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line South First Street and center line of drive to west at 850 South First Street: 776.54;
      (7)   Brass disk at center line-to-center line South First Street and Lincoln Road: 770.52;
      (8)   Brass disk at center line South First Street opposite farm drive at 2201 South First Street: 763.5;
      (9)   Brass disk at center line Blackhawk Trail at 27 feet+/- east of center line South First Street: 724.15;
      (10)   Brass disk at center line Trails Road and 36 feet+/- east of center line of South First Street: 731.90;
      (11)   Brass disk at center line Trails Road 650 feet+/- east of twin culverts at creek: 722.45;
      (12)   Brass disk at center line Blackhawk Trail and center line drive to “Loftus” 501 Blackhawk Trail: 727.75;
      (13)   Brass disk in concrete shoulder at northwest corner bridge Blackhawk Trail over Highway 61: 757.31; and
      (14)   Concrete nail near northwest corner bridge Lincoln Road over Highway 61.