(A) Each of these key staff positions is expected to fulfill the following roles as these relate to the specific areas of responsibility.
(B) These include:
(1) Positive supervision of city employees - organization of work and responsibility of the Department in such a way as to make maximum use of the abilities of other city employees;
(2) Responsive, considerate attention to all contacts with city citizens, including a willingness to assist the public in concerns which may not be a part of the specific duties of the job;
(3) Direct association with the Mayor and Council in securing their approval when needed and to make it easier for the elected officials to fulfill their responsibilities;
(4) Close coordination with other staff members characterized by the view toward what an individual department can contribute to the overall benefit of the city;
(5) High performance expectations for the Department Head and for other employees; and
(6) Carefully planned work to make sure resources are efficiently used and work is done correctly.