(A)   The City Clerk. The City Clerk is responsible for the operation of City Hall, collection of revenues, disbursements upon Council approval, proper accounting for all funds, official records of city proceedings and the execution of Council resolutions and directions regarding public notices, sales of bonds and the like.
   (B)   The Chief of Police. The Chief of Police is in charge of the broad area of public safety/public order. As such, he or she schedules and directs uniformed officers, coordinates work with other law enforcement agencies, cares for assigned equipment and enforces the laws of the city and the state.
   (C)   The Street Superintendent. The Street Superintendent is responsible for the major functions of street maintenance, storm sewer and sanitary sewer mains and supervises the work of city employees when they are performing work in those areas. Included in this responsibility is operation of the city garage and care of city equipment.