§ 1.00 MAYOR.
   The Mayor is the chief executive officer of the city. He or she is elected at large for a four-year term, presides over Council meetings, signs on behalf of the city and makes sure that Council policies are executed. The compensation of the Mayor shall be an annual salary as set from time to time by resolution of the City Council, which shall be paid in semi-annual installments. Among his or her responsibilities are:
§ 1.01. Facilitation of policy implementation – making sure that the Council’s intentions are understood and that Council’s goals, objectives and policies are carried out;
§ 1.02. Presides at Council meetings – making sure that issues are enunciated, that all viewpoints are fully heard and helps the Council define and take actions appropriate to the situation;
§ 1.03. Representative of the city to public groups, to other governmental bodies and to the public at large;
§ 1.04. Directs the business of the Council, including establishing committees, making key appointments (Chief of Police, Mayor Pro-Tem), proposing other appointments to the Council and ensuring a sound plan of organization for the city; and
§ 1.05. Assists the Council in the formulation of goals, policies and objectives, making use of staff and public inputs as well as his or her own views as to the needs for Council action.