   1.00   Grant of franchise
   2.00   Excavations
   3.00   Regulatory authority
   4.00   Applicable to successors or assigns
   5.00   Attachments
   6.00   Costs of publishing
   7.00   Effectiveness and contract
   An ordinance granting unto Central Scott Telephone Company, its successors and assigns, the right, franchise and privilege for a period of 25 years from and after the adoption and approval thereof, to acquire, construct and/or maintain in the incorporated city, the necessary facilities, including telephone system and exchange for the purpose of transmitting messages in said city by telephone for public and private use; to use and occupy streets, avenues, alleys and other public grounds for such purposes and prescribing the terms and conditions of the grant and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith.
   Be it ordained by the City Council of the incorporated city: