An applicant in possession of a state NPDES general permit #2 issued by the IDNR shall immediately submit to the city full copies of the materials described below as a basis for the city to determine whether to issue a city COSESCO permit:
§ 2.4.4. Evidence or plan showing topsoil preservation during development activities. Individuals engaged in land disturbing activities shall minimize soil compaction and preserve topsoil that exists on site. During mass grading operations, topsoil shall be stripped, stockpiled and spread over the entire site prior to final stabilization or stockpiled in a designated controlled area(s) for later use of individual lot construction. Excess topsoil may be removed from the site only upon written approval of the City Engineer where the individual can show that the additional topsoil is not needed to meet the city’s storm water requirements; and
§ 2.4.5. Evidence or plan for topsoil application or treatment prior to final sod or seeding. Individuals engaged in land disturbing activities shall provide for topsoil in an amount equivalent to that needed to cover all areas to be seeded, sodded or otherwise have vegetation established to a depth of four inches or provide compost in an amount equivalent to that needed to cover all areas to be seeded, sodded or otherwise have vegetation established to a depth of one and one-half inches and shall be bladed, disced, tilled or otherwise mixed with soil to a depth of four inches, or shall provide another mechanism for topsoil treatment that is approved by the Building Official and City Engineer. For use in this section, sod may account for a maximum of one inch of topsoil.