§ 4.10 PAYMENT.
   (A)   No separate payment will be made for work covered in this part of the specification except as set forth below. All other related items are incidental to construction. Contract unit prices shall include all costs for each item of work.
   (B)   Excavation shall be paid per cubic yard. The unit price shall include all labor, material and equipment necessary to obtain the specified grade and shall be measured in excavation only. No additional compensation shall be paid to the contractor for the removal of waste material.
   (C)   Borrow material, if soil, shall be paid per cubic yard. The unit price shall include all labor, materials, equipment and hauling costs incidental to the project. Measurements of the borrow areas shall be made prior to and following the grading operation and payment shall be in excavation only.
   (D)   Borrow material, if granular, shall be paid per ton. The unit cost shall include all labor, material, equipment, hauling costs, spreading and compacting of borrow material. The quantity of the granular material shall be determined by the weight tickets collected by the inspector at the site.