(A)   The contractor shall furnish and install all pipes, fittings, structures and accessories required for water main and force main construction as shown on the plans and/or specified herein. All materials shall be new and no salvaged or used materials shall be incorporated in this work unless otherwise specified.
   (B)   Before installation of new facilities, the contractor shall verify sizes, measurements, type and location of existing piping and appurtenances at points of connection to existing systems. Contractor’s time and expenses to field locate utilities shall not be paid for by the city. Water mains shall have a minimum of five feet of cover.
   (C)   All work shall be in accordance with the best present day installation and construction practices including the latest revision of AWWA C600 “Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and their Appurtenances” as modified by these specifications.
   (D)   After award of the contract, the contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s specification and/or catalog data for valves, valve boxes, hydrants and other special items as requested by the engineer.