(A) Every person who owns or is in possession of any premises on which there is situated a swimming pool, not a portion of a natural watercourse, which has a water depth of 18 inches or more in any portion thereof, shall maintain on the lot or premises upon which such swimming pool is situated, a fence, wall or other adequate structure completely surrounding the pool to make it inaccessible to small children. The fence, wall or other structure must not be less than four feet in height, with no openings large enough to admit a child except through doors or gates.
(B) All doors or gates in fences surrounding swimming pools shall be of such a size as to completely fill any opening in the fence, wall or other structure and shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices capable of keeping such gate or door securely closed. The closing or latching devices shall be located not less than four feet above grade or be otherwise inaccessible from the outside to small children. In lieu of self-closing and self-latching devices, the doors and gates may be equipped with locks which shall be kept locked at all times when the pool is not in actual use.
(C) The Building Inspector may allow slight modifications for good cause shown in individual cases with respect to the height of the fence, wall or other enclosing structure or the nature or position of the latch or other locking device. The Building Inspector may permit other protective devices or structures to be used, so long as the degree of protection afforded by the substitute devices or structures is not less than the protection afforded by the fence, wall or other enclosing structure and the gate, door, latch or other locking devices required by this division. Upon the application of a property owner, the Council may grant extensions of time for compliance for good cause shown in individual cases; such extensions of time shall not exceed 30 days at a time. The property owner shall agree to indemnify the city against liability for claims that arise during the time extension.