(A)   Where a property abuts a public alley, refuse prepared for collection shall, on collection days, be placed together in plain view adjacent to the alley. Where a property does not abut a public alley, refuse prepared for collection shall, on collection days, be placed together in plain view adequate to and in back of the curb line or on the shoulder of a public street. Refuse shall be placed for collection prior to 7:30 a.m. of the day of collection but in no case prior to 12 hours preceding the day of collection. All containers shall be removed from a public street within 12 hours after refuse is collected. Containers other than the type required for garbage (whether used for garbage, rubbish, mixed refuse, ashes or building debris) will be collected as rubbish unless clearly marked to be retained. City waste collectors shall not enter houses, enclosed porches, garages or similar enclosures to make collections nor shall city waste collection equipment enter private property to make collections.
   (B)   Recyclable material shall be placed at the curb for collection. If recyclable material is not separated from rubbish and garbage and placed for collection in the appropriate place, the city waste collector has the right to refuse to collect any refuse from that household until that household complies with the separation requirements. Repeated violations may subject the household to penalties as provided in § 16.00 of this chapter.