(A)   No conveyance of land shall be recorded or filed if the land is described in the conveyance by metes and bounds or by reference to an unapproved, registered land survey made after the effective date of this chapter. The foregoing provision does not apply to a conveyance if the land described:
      (1)   Was a separate parcel of record at the date of adoption of this chapter.
      (2)   Was the subject of a written agreement to convey entered into prior to such time;
      (3)   Was a separate parcel of not less than 2 ½ acres in area and 150 feet in width on the effective date of this chapter or in a single parcel of land of not less than five acres and having a width of not less than 300 feet.
   (B)   In any case in which compliance with the foregoing restriction will create an unnecessary hardship and failure to comply does not interfere with the purpose of the subdivision regulations, the City Council may waive such compliance by adoption of a resolution to that effect and the conveyance may then be filed or recorded. Any owner or agent of the owner of land who conveys a lot or parcel in violation of the provisions of this subdivision shall forfeit and pay to the municipality a penalty of not less than $100 for each lot or parcel so conveyed.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)