(A)   The city hereby abolishes its five-member Library Board and establishes a seven- member Library Board, as provided for pursuant to M.S. Chapter 134, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Qualification for office. All Library Board members shall be of voting age. Residents of the county may be appointed as Board members, provided that a majority of the members are residents of the city. Not more than one City Council member shall at any time be a member of the Library Board.
   (C)   Appointment. Library Board members will be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
   (D)   (1)   Term of office. Library Board terms of office will be three years, beginning the first day of the city's fiscal year and ending with the last day of the city's fiscal year.
      (2)   Initially, Library Board members are appointed so that three hold office for one year, two for two years, and two for three years.
      (3)   No Library Board member shall be eligible to serve more than three consecutive three-year terms.
   (E)   Removal of members. The Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, may remove any Library Board member for misconduct or neglect.
   (F)   Vacancies. The Library Board President shall report vacancies in the Board to the City Council. The City Council shall fill the vacancies by appointment for the unexpired term.
   (G)   Compensation. Library Board members shall receive no compensation for their services, but may be reimbursed for actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of Library Board duties and activities.
   (H)   Organization. At the annual meeting, the Library Board shall elect one of its members as President and one member as Secretary, and may appoint such other officers as deemed necessary.
   (I)   Duties.
      (1)   The Library Board shall have all of the powers and duties set forth in M.S. § 134.11, except as limited herein.
      (2)   The Library Board shall adopt by-laws and regulations for the government of the library and for the conduct of its business as may be expedient and conformable to law. The by-laws adopted by the Library Board shall be subject to the approval of the City Council.
      (3)   The Library Board shall have exclusive control of the expenditure of all money collected for or placed to the credit of the Library Fund, of interest earned on all money collected for or placed to the credit of the Library Fund. All money received for the library shall be paid into the city treasury, credited to the Library Fund, kept separate from other money of the city, and paid out only upon approval by the Library Board.
      (4)   The Library Board shall have control of the room, rooms, or building provided for library purposes.
      (5)   With the approval of the City Council, the Library Board may purchase grounds, and erect a library building thereon.
      (6)   The Library Board shall appoint a qualified Library Director and other staff as necessary.
      (7)   The Library Board shall establish the compensation for its employees and have the authority to remove any of them for cause.
   (J)   Gifts. With the consent of the City Council, expressed by resolution, the Library Board may accept any gift, grant, devise, or bequest made or offered by any person for public library purposes.
(Ord. 168, passed 2-6-84; Am. Ord. 193, passed 3-6-06)