(A)   In areas that have a sanitary sewage system on or near the proposed subdivision, the City Council shall determine the feasibility of service and the procedures to be followed by the subdivider in joining the system.
   (B)   In areas that are not to be served by sewer systems, on-site sewage disposal systems utilizing septic tank and soil absorption fields will be permitted only where soil borings and percolation tests indicate the systems will function adequately. Disposal systems shall be constructed to meet the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health, the standards set out in § 153.075 , and other state and local requirements. The subdivider shall carry out sufficient soil borings and percolation tests to adequately portray the character of the soil, ground water levels, and depth to bedrock. Each lot shall have at least 50% of its area free of all of the limiting conditions set forth in § 153.075.
   (C)   The City Council may prohibit the installation of sewage disposal facilities utilizing septic tanks and soil absorption fields where such systems would impair water quality, and the City Council may require alternative methods of waste treatment and disposal including, but not limited to, biological and or territory or incinerator or chemical toilets.
   (D)   Plans for private sewage disposal systems not utilizing septic tank and soil absorption fields as specified in division (C), shall be approved in writing by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or Minnesota Department of Health. The subdivider shall clearly indicate on the face of the plat and in any deed of conveyance that septic tank and soil absorption fields are not to be used.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)