(A)   Scale: one inch equals 100 feet.
   (B)   Identification and description:
      (1)   Proposed name of subdivision, which name shall not duplicate or be similar in pronunciation to the name of any plat theretofore recorded in the city;
      (2)   Location by section, town, range, or by other legal description;
      (3)   Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider, surveyor and designer of the plan;
      (4)   Graphic scale;
      (5)   North point; and
      (6)   Date of preparation.
   (C)   Existing conditions in tract and in surrounding area to a distance of 300 feet:
      (1)   Boundary line of proposed subdivision clearly indicated;
      (2)   Total approximate acreage;
      (3)   Platted streets, railroad right-of-way and utility easements;
      (4)   Boundary lines and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided land;
      (5)   Sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities;
      (6)   Permanent buildings and structures; and
      (7)   Lakes, watercourses and marsh areas and such other information as soil tests andcontours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet, if requested by the Planning Commission to aid in their review. All elevation data shall be mean sea level or some other assumed, workable data.
   (D)   Subdivision design features:
      (1)   Layout and width of proposed streets and utility easements showing street names, lot dimensions, parks and other public areas. The name of any street heretofore used in the city shall not be used, unless the proposed street is an extension of an already named street, in which event the name shall be used. The street layout shall include all contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider.
      (2)   Proposed use of all parcels and, if zoning change is required, proposed rezoning.
      (3)   Preliminary street grades and drainage plan shall be shown on a copy of the contour map, if required.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)