(A)   Grading and filling in shoreland areas or any alteration of natural topography where the slope of the land is toward a public water or watercourse leading to a public water must be authorized by a special use permit.
   (B)   In granting a special use permit for grading and filling, the following conditions shall be met:
      (1)   The smallest amount of bare ground be exposed for as short a time as feasible.
      (2)   Temporary ground cover such as mulch be used and permanent cover such as sod be planted.
      (3)   Diversions, silting basins, terraces and other methods to trap sediment be used.
      (4)   Lagooning be conducted in such a manner as to avoid creation of fish trap conditions.
      (5)   Fill is stablized according to accepted engineering standards.
      (6)   Fill will not restrict a floodway or destroy the storage capacity of a flood plain.
      (7)   Sides of a channel or artificial watercourse be established to prevent slumping.
      (8)   Side channels or artificial watercourses be constructed with side slopes of two units horizontal distance to one unit vertical or flatter, unless bulkheads or riprapping are provided.
   (C)   Excavation on shorelands where the intended purpose is connection to a public water, such as boat slips, canals, lagoons and harbors, shall require a permit from the Clerk-Administrator- Treasurer or any other person designated by the City Council before construction is begun. Such permit may be obtained only after the Commissioner of Natural Resources has approved the proposed connection to public waters. Approval shall be given only if the proposed work is consistent with applicable state regu1ations for work in beds of public waters.
   (D)   Any work which will change or diminish the course, current, or cross section of a public water shall be approved by the Commissioner before the work is begun. This includes the construction of channels and ditches, lagooning, dredging of the Flekkefjord Lake bottom for removal of muck, silt or weeds and filling in the lake bed. Approval shall be constructed to mean the issuance by the Commissioner of a permit under the procedures of M.S. § 105.42, as it may be amended from time to time, and other related statutes.
   (E)   The removal of natural vegetation shall be restricted to prevent erosion into public waters to consume nutrients in the soil and to prevent shoreland aesthetics. However:
      (1)   Selective removal may be practiced to allow a view corridor to the water. However, such removal shall leave sufficient cover to screen cars, dwellings, and other structures, except boat houses, piers, docks, and marinas from view from Flekkefjord Lake.
      (2)   No clear cutting shall be allowed.
      (3)   This section shall not apply to permitted uses which normally require the removal of the natural vegetation.
      (4)   Natural vegetation shall be restored insofar as feasible after any construction project.
   (F)   The placement of roads and parking areas shall be controlled in accordance with the following criteria in order to retard the runoff of surface waters and excess nutrients:
      (1)   No impervious surface shall be placed within 50 feet of the ordinary high water mark.
      (2)   Where feasible and practical, all roads and parking areas shall meet the setback requirements established for structures within the Shoreland Management Area.
      (3)   Natural vegetation or other natural material shall be used in order to screen parking areas when viewed from the water.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)