(A)   No use, structure, sign, building, or any other piece or article of real estate or personal property may be abandoned or permitted in any public or private place, because of disuse or neglect to become unsightly or offensive to the public.
   (B)   Any non-conforming use or use authorized by this chapter, when abandoned or discontinued, shall be removed or restored to as near its original state as is practicable.
   (C)   Any citizen may make complaint to the district court for an order of compliance to this section.
   (D)   The penalty for such offense shall be the obligation to remove or to correct such unsightly or offensive thing or condition or remove or restore such abandoned or discontinued use within a time fixed by the court, the same may be ordered removed or corrected and the cost thereof assessed against the owner of such property or the real estate on which the same is found to exist, together with all costs of prosecution.
(Ord. 126, passed 6-28-76)