(A)   Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the first Monday of each month. The first meeting in January of each year shall be the annual meeting. The Council, at this time, shall elect an acting Mayor, designate an official paper, select an official depository, review Council by-laws and review committee appointments.
   (B)   All Council meetings shall be held in the Council chambers unless changed by a majority vote of the Council. Public notice shall be given of all meeting place changes.
   (C)   At all Council meetings, the following order of business and rules of procedure shall be adhered to unless suspended by a majority vote of the members:
      (1)   Call to order by the Mayor or acting Mayor;
      (2)   Approval of minutes of the previous meeting;
      (3)   Presentation of petitions or complaints by Council members or citizens;
      (4)   (a)   Reports of officers and committees;
         (b)   Report of standing committees;
         (c)   Report of special committees; and
         (d)   Report of City Clerk-Administrator-Treasurer.
      (5)   Notice of communications;
      (6)   Old business;
      (7)   Presentation of claims;
      (8)   New business;
      (9)   Announcements; and
      (10)   Adjournment.
   (D)   The presiding officer shall provide an agenda for each regular meeting, shall maintain order at all times and shall apply the rules of procedure, according to Roberts Rules of Order, unless contradicted by the laws of the state. All Council members or persons wishing to speak to the Council must be recognized by the presiding officer.
   (E)   All ordinances or amendments to ordinances shall be reduced to writing and kept on file in the office of the City Clerk-Administrator-Treasurer upon passage.
   (F)   The Council shall approve any change of regular meeting date or place by a majority vote of the members.
(Ord. 144, passed 11-3-75)