(A)   The application for a sexually oriented business license under this chapter must be made on a form supplied by the city and must provide the following information:
      (1)   The business in connection with which the proposed license will operate;
      (2)   The location of the business premises;
      (3)   The legal description of the premises to be licensed, including a map of the area for which the license is sought, showing dimensions, locations of buildings, street access and parking facilities;
      (4)   Whether all real estate and personal property taxes that are due and payable for the premises to be licensed have been paid, and if not paid, the years and amounts that are unpaid;
      (5)   Whether the applicant is the owner and operator of the business and if not, who is;
      (6)   Whether the applicant has ever used or been known by a name other than his or her true name, and if so, what was the name or names, and information concerning dates and places where used;
      (7)   Whether the applicant is married or single. If married, the true name, place and date of birth and street address of applicant's spouse;
      (8)   Street address at which the applicant and spouse have lived during the preceding ten years;
      (9)   Kind, name and location of every business or occupation the applicant and spouse have been engaged in during the preceding ten years;
      (10)   Names and addresses of the applicant's and spouse's employers and partners, if any, for the preceding ten years;
      (11)   Whether the applicant or spouse has ever been convicted of a violation of a state law or local ordinance, other than a non-alcohol related traffic offense. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place and offense for which convictions were had;
      (12)   Whether the applicant or spouse has ever been engaged as an employee or in operating a sexually oriented business, massage business, or other business of a similar nature. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place and length of time;
      (13)   Whether the applicant has ever been in military service. If so, the applicant must, upon request, exhibit all discharges;
      (14)   If the applicant is a partnership, the name and address of all partners and all information concerning each partner as is required of a single applicant as above. A managing partner or partners must be designated. The interest of each partner or partners in the business must be submitted with the application and, if the partnership is required to file a certificate as to trade name under the provisions of M.S. Ch. 333, as it may be amended from time to time, a copy of the certificate must be attached to the application;
      (15)   If the applicant is a corporation or other organization, the applicant must submit the following:
         (a)   Name, and if incorporated, the state of incorporation;
         (b)   Names and addresses of all officers;
         (c)   The name of the manager or proprietor or other agent in charge of, or to be in charge of the premises to be licensed, giving all information about said person as is required in the case of a single applicant; and
         (d)   A list of all persons who, single or together with their spouse, own or control an interest in said corporation or association in excess of 5% or who are officers of said corporation or association, together with their addresses and all information as is required for a single applicant.
      (16)   The amount of the investment that the applicant has in the business, land, building, premises, fixtures, furniture or stock-in-trade, and proof of the source of the money;
      (17)   A list of responsible persons, including the names of owners, managers and assistant managers, who may be notified or contacted by state or city employees in case of emergency. These persons must be residents of the state.
      (18)   Whether the applicant holds a current license for a sexually oriented business or similar business from another governmental unit;
      (19)   Whether the applicant has ever been denied a license for a sexually oriented business or similar business from another governmental unit; and
      (20)   Other information that the city deems appropriate.
   (B)   No person may make a false statement or material omission in a license application or investigation. A false statement or material omission is grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of a license.
   (C)   Each licensee has the continuing duty to properly notify the Director of Community Development of a change in the information or facts required to be furnished on the application for a license. This duty continues throughout the period of the license. Failure to comply with this section will constitute cause for revocation or suspension of the license.
   (D)   The application for the renewal of an existing license must be made at least 90 days prior to the date of the expiration of the license and must be made on the form which the city provides.
Penalty, see § 115.99