(A)   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      COUNCIL. The City Council of the City of Elbow Lake.
      PARKS and PARKWAYS. Parks, parkways, playgrounds, recreation fields and buildings, lakes, rivers and beaches therein, and all public service facilities conducted on grounds, buildings and structures in the city parks and parkways which are under the control of the City Council.
   (B)   No person shall be, or remain in, or leave, park or remain in any vehicle in any park, parkway or drive between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., but this section shall not apply to those who are authorized to remain in a park or on a parkway, such as caretakers and authorized overnight campers.
   (C)   No person shall cut, break, scratch, mar or, in any way, injure or deface any building, fence, pump, lamp, flagpole, construction improvement, facility or any other feature or property upon or within any park or parkway.
   (D)   No person not an employee of the Council shall pick or cut any wild or cultivated flower or cut, break or, in any way, injure or deface any tree, shrub or plant within the limits of any park or parkway; nor carry within or out of any park or parkway any wild flower, tree, shrub, plant or any newly plucked branch or portion thereof or any soil or material of any kind.
   (E)   No person shall throw, deposit, place or leave in any park or parkway or waters therein, any paper, rubbish, waste or refuse of any kind, whether or not the same is offensive to the senses or is injurious to health, except in the receptacles therein provided for waste.
   (F)   No person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or affix any placard, bill, notice or sign anywhere within any park or parkway without the express permission of the Council or an employee of the Council authorized to give the permission.
   (G)   No person shall fire or discharge any firearm of any description or fire, explode or set off any squib, cracker or other firework or thing containing powder or other combustible or explosive material, within the limits of any park or parkway, excepting exhibitions of fireworks given under the direction or by permission of the Council.
   (H)   No person shall rob, injure or destroy any bird's nest within the limits of any park or parkway, nor aim or discharge any air gun, sling-shot or other weapon or throw any stone or other missile at any bird or bird’s nest or wild animal within any park or parkway, nor in any manner capture or kill any bird or wild animal therein.
   (I)   No person shall, at any time, set, lay, prepare or have in possession any trap, snare, artificial light, net, bird line, ferret or any contrivance whatever, for the purpose of catching, taking or killing any bird or wild animal in any park or parkway.
   (J)   No person shall play ball, golf, tennis or other game upon or within any park or parkway that interferes with normal park activities, except upon ball, tennis or appropriate athletic grounds or golf links, established by the Council and designated as such.
   (K)   No person shall sell or offer for sale any article or thing whatsoever in any park or parkway. This shall not be deemed to prohibit sale by the Council or by authorized employees.
   (L)   No threatening, profane, abusive, disorderly, insulting or indecent language, conduct or behavior, nor any act tending to a breach of the public peace, shall be allowed in or upon any park or parkway; nor shall any person play at games of chance, or do any indecent, lascivious, lewd or improper act therein.
   (M)      No band, procession, military company or any company with flags, banners or transparencies, shall be allowed in or upon any park or parkway without permission issued by the Council or its designated employee.
   (N)   No entertainment or exhibition shall be given in any park or parkway, excepting the entertainments given under the direction and authority of the Council.
   (O)   No public meeting of any kind shall be held in any park, parkway, playground or athletic field, nor shall there be any public speaking therein, without a permit granted therefor by the Council or its designated employee.
   (P)   (1)   No person shall start any fire in any park or upon any parkway, except that small fires for culinary purposes may be made by picnic parties in the parks designated by the Council, but only in the places in the parks provided for that purpose by the Council and under its direction.
      (2)   Every person who starts any fire and every person using the fire is hereby charged with the duty of completely extinguishing the fire or fires before leaving the park.
   (Q)   Except for domestic cats and dogs, no animals shall be allowed in any park or on any parkway. Other animals may be allowed only with special permission of the Council. All animals shall, at all times, be leashed and under the control of the owner. The owner shall be responsible for the removal of all animal excrement. The Council may, by resolution, designate areas in any park or any parkway where animals shall not be permitted.
   (R)   Intoxicating liquor and 3.2% malt liquor may only be consumed in an area designated for picnics or camping. Consumption in other areas shall be by permission of the Council only. No kegs shall be allowed without Council permission.
   (S)   Rules and regulations in conformity with this chapter may be made from time to time by the Council governing the further use and enjoyment of parks, parkways, playgrounds, lakes, streams and rivers and the facilities thereof and thereon.
   (T)   Any person who shall violate such rules or regulations or who refuses to subject himself or herself thereof, may be excluded from the use of the facility. Any person who refuses to obey any order or exclusion or who persistently interferes with the orderly conduct of games or play or with the participants therein shall be guilty of disorderly conduct and upon conviction shall be punished as for that offense.
(Ord. 175, passed 6-7-92) Penalty, see § 10.99