(a)    An Owner shall submit an application to the Zoning Inspector for a Conditional Use permit for a small wind energy project. The application shall be on a form approved by the Village and shall be accompanied by three (3) copies of the site plan identified in Section 1180.07(b).
   (b)    The Board of Zoning Appeals shall authorize issuance of a permit or deny the application within the time provisions set out in the Zoning Ordinance.
   (c)    The Board of Zoning Appeals may authorize the issuance of a Conditional Use permit for a small wind energy project after a public hearing on the application if the application and supporting materials show that the proposed small wind energy project meets the requirements of this regulation and the use is otherwise authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (d)    In the event that the maximum permitted height for a small wind energy system cannot be achieved on a specific property by virtue of setback constraints, the maximum permitted height shall be controlled by the setback constraints. The Board of Appeals shall not issue a variance to the minimum required setbacks for a small wind energy project.
   (e)    The Owner shall conspicuously post the Conditional Use permit on the premises upon issuance so as to be visible to the public at all times until construction or installation of the small wind energy project is complete.
(Ord. 07-13. Passed 12-16-13.)