Perimeter screening shall effectively conceal vehicles within a parking area from adjoining property (along side lot lines) with the selective use of plant, mounding, or fence material for visual separation. The perimeter of parking areas shall be screened as follows:
   (a)   A planting strip at least five (5) feet in width shall be located along the perimeter of a parking area (along side lot lines). Within this landscaped strip there shall be two (2) , 2-inch caliper deciduous shade trees per 100 linear feet (or fraction thereof) of perimeter parking area. There shall also be a four (4) feet tall solid hedge, or informal planting of shrubs (evergreen or deciduous), which will provide opaqueness of fifty percent (50%) within two (2) years of planting.
      (Ord. 05-08. Passed 4-10-08.)