For all properties within the C-D (core commercial) district the following shall apply:
   (a)   For each business in a C-D zoned district, a maximum of two (2) signs, which may be a combination of any of the following, shall be permitted.
      (1)   A wall sign not to exceed twenty percent (20%)of the total area of the building wall area where the sign is mounted.
      (2)   A projecting sign not to exceed twenty (20) square feet.
      (3)   A sign painted on a fabric awning permanently affixed to the entry of a business.
   (b)   Signs may be externally illuminated. Flashing signs are prohibited.
   (c)   Any variance from the above will require approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (Ord. 05-08. Passed 4-10-08.)