A building or lot within the M-1 District may be used only for the following purposes:
   (a)   Manufacturing or assembly processes, which by the nature of the materials, equipment, and process used are to a considerable measure clean, quiet, and free of objectionable or hazardous elements. Manufacturing activities typically might consist of the following activities, and those of similar nature:
      (1)   Jewelry.
   (2)   Drugs.
(3)   Musical instruments.
(4)   Sporting goods.
(5)   Small household appliances.
(6)   Processing household goods.
(7)   Electronic components or equipment.
(8)   Research and testing laboratories.
(b)   Lumber storage and dealers.
(c)   Contractor’s yards and offices.
(d)   Warehouses, including wholesale warehouses.
(e)   Printing and publishing plants.
(f)   Carting or hauling.
(g)   Grain and feed dealers.
(h)   Bottling or canning plants.
(i)   Automotive and other repair and temporary storage.
(j)   Accessory structures and uses incidental to the above uses.
      (Ord. 05-08. Passed 4-10-08.)