(A)   In granting a storm water management permit, the DSM and/or the permitting officer may impose such terms and conditions as are reasonably necessary to meet the purposes of this chapter. The project site owner is responsible for compliance with this chapter, the Standards, the CSGP (as applicable), and these terms and conditions. Non-compliance with the terms and conditions of permits will be subject to enforcement as described in § 53.120 et seq.
   (B)   The project site owner shall inform all general contractor, construction management firms, grading or excavating contractors, utility contractors, and the contractors that have primary oversight on individual building lots of the terms and conditions for the storm water management permit and the schedule for proposed implementation.
   (C)   The project owner shall monitor construction activities and inspect all storm water pollution prevention measures in compliance with this chapter, the Standards, and the terms and conditions of the CSGP (for construction sites one acre and greater).
   (D)   The project site owner shall provide the town training documentation of the personnel associated with the project concerning the requirements of the SWPPP per the CSGP.
   (E)   The project site owner shall develop and maintain the documentation and recordkeeping identified in the Standards at the project site for review by the town per the CSGP.
   (F)   Upon completion of construction activities and once the construction site has been stabilized and all temporary erosion and sediment control measures have been removed, the project owner shall:
      (1)   Provide as-built plans per § 53.108 to the DSM and/or the permitting officer.
      (2)   The DSM and/or the permitting officer, or representative, shall inspect the construction site to verify the requirements for a NOT have been met. Once the applicant receives a "verified" copy of the NOT, the applicant must submit a signed copy to IDEM and the DSM and/or the permitting officer.
      (3)   The CSGP expires five years from the date of issuance. If construction is not completed prior to the expiration date, the project owner shall either submit a NOT to IDEM and DSM and/or the permitting officer or follow the NOI submittal requirements in the CSGP within 90 days with submittals to IDEM and DSM and/ or the permitting officer.
(Ord. 2023-22, passed 12-28-23)