(A)   The calculation methods as well as the type, sizing, and placement of all storm water quality management measures, or BMPs shall meet the design criteria, standards, and specifications outlined in the Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual or the Standards. The methods and procedures included in these two references are in keeping with the above stated policy and meet the requirements of IDEM's CSGP and MS4GP.
   (B)   A pre-approved list of BMP(s) is specified in the Standards. The noted BMPs must be designed, constructed, and maintained according to guidelines provided or referenced in the Standards. Practices other than those specified in the pre-approved list may be utilized. However, the burden of proof, as to whether the performance (minimum 80% TSS removal) and ease of maintenance of such practices will be according to guidelines provided in the Standards, would be placed with the applicant. Details regarding the procedures and criteria for consideration of acceptance of such BMPs are provide in the Standards.
(Ord. 2023-22, passed 12-28-23)